The Levels Class

It’s not difficult to learn to edit photos in Photoshop. Seriously. You just need the right foundation – and here it is. You’ll learn all about Levels and Curves, because they are fundamental to all editing. But you’ll learn SO much more as well. You’ll learn powerful methods to give your photos amazing impact in lightning fast time. You’ll learn how to really look at your photos, and know exactly what they need to turn them into masterpieces. And you’ll enjoy a new approach to masking that will change your editing life. Above all, it’s the simplicity that will rock your world.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone to whom Photoshop is new and confusing
  • Experienced users who want to add a lot more speed to their workflow
  • Everyone who would prefer to really know how to edit photos, instead of just using presets and actions.

What software is it for?

  • All versions of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.

Topics covered

  • Histogram comprehension
  • Levels and Curves
  • Editing strategies
  • Superior masking methods
  • Perfect black-and-white editing
  • Colour editing that really pops
  • Artistic variations


  • Three months of membership for $65; or one year of membership for $122
  • (If you have taken the class in the past, and would like a refresher, the prices are $14 and $86 respectively.)
  • Mentoring included in both packages

What you get

  • 24/7 unlimited access to the class content
  • Prompt answers to all questions
  • Lots of videos to accompany the written information
  • Proven, down-to-earth, simple methods for great results
  • Unlimited space to post your photos for feedback as often as you like
  • My personal assistance with your editing whenever you need it


  • A basic knowledge of adjustment layers and masking
  • Current membership of the Deluxe Raw Class

Sign up

APPLY HERE or contact me for more information.


Everyone knows the saying, "if you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime." Well, Damien taught me to fish. I no longer pay money for actions so I can slap someone else's look on my photos. I am able to edit true to my own individual style all on my own because Damien gave me the knowledge to do so. I always knew how I wanted to edit, but I couldn't figure it out. Damien's classes are truly amazing!
    - Christine, California.

Taking Damien's Levels Class was the BEST investment I've made in my photography career. I'm thrilled to no longer have to guess at editing. I can actually say I'm confident now!! -And I wasn't just TWO WEEKS ago. Taking this class has changed my life!
    - Kendra, Kentucky.

WOW you have opened my eyes in a big way! I will no longer have to rely on actions to finish my images :) You explain things so it is easy to understand. I will be able to go back and look over it whenever I need to. I am so glad I took this class. I wish I had not waited as long as I did.
    - Becky, Iowa.

I've seen a lot of workflow (Kelby, Lynda, Creativelive, Video2brain, Youtube!) out there but nothing like this! I know bits and pieces of photoshop, but have been wandering around and struggling about getting consistent results. Thanks for laying the groundwork, foundation for my workflow! Now everything seems to fall in to place photo editing wise.
    - Rex, USA.

Wow - where do I begin. I feel I need to go back to the beginning of my photos and re-edit :) I just watched the whole Levels class from beginning to end because - like a good book - I couldn't put it down. Amazing, eye opening, mind blowing. If you're on the fence about taking this class - jump off and dive in. You definitely won't regret it! Thanks Damien!!
    - Jayne, Georgia.

Damien! You did it again! You blew me away! I didn't think I needed to know more about levels but everyone seemed to love the class plus I wanted to support you since you have helped me so much in the past. This class taught me so much! Incredible!
    - Jenica, Missouri.

Thank you - once again one of your classes has enthralled me from start to finish. Although I already felt competent with the fundamentals, there were plenty of gems in there. Time is my most precious resource as I can't create any more of it (of course), and life is pretty full with 3 young kids, so thank you for speeding up my workflow!
    - Kim, New Zealand.

Your classes are amazing! I was seriously so lost in the abundance of information of both photography and photoshop before I found you Damien. The RAW class is excellent and has given me the best solid clean base to work from.....then I took your LEVELS class, and WOW, you have completely blown my photoshop mind! Thank you so much for your time, hard work and talent you put in to teaching people with your classes and groups! I am one very happy customer and trainee!!!
    - Adelle, Perth.

Damien has completely transformed my editing! I was a newbie that was tied to trying actions blindly to get the look that I wanted. I had no idea what I or they were doing in PS, just stabbing in the dark. I am 100% action free, non-destructively editing and accomplishing edits that my clients love in a fraction of the time. Thank you Damien for, hands-down, the best editing instruction at an incredible value.
    - Holly, Texas.

Damien does a great job of breaking everything down to its simplest form and then helping you see how its related to everything else. Not to mention he helps you so much to have a good, consistent and safe workflow. This is where every photographer needs to start!!!
    - Krista, California.

Editing will NEVER be the same for me! how amazing and eye opening!! I LOVE photography, but it's just become a whole new level of fun!!! It makes me want to go through all previously edited photos and redo them.
    - Emily, California.

I am kicking myself for taking so long to actually read this course. I always thought sure I know levels so why do I need to actually read through the material. I am blown away by what I learned. I created my own formula using a few different actions that I had purchased but have been getting stomped lately on why sometimes my formula doesn't look right on certain pictures. I would waste so much time studying and "correcting" the image and never getting it to where I wanted it to be and felt stuck. However, I must say I loved every bit of this course and feel that I want to kiss my formulas good bye and truly stick with this clean editing with levels. I just can't say enough thank yous to you for writing this course. Best money spent so far!!!!!!
    - Kristine, Illinois.

Once again Damien has done it! he explained the most complex concepts in a pretty easy & non-boring way! I am an avid reader & I must say, I've never had as many Ah-ha moments as I did going thru the courseware!
    - Pooja, California.

Oh my gosh....everyone needs to take the Levels class immediately. Best thing I have EVER done!!!!
    - Tara.

My editing and workflow is forever changed. Instead of blindly navigating Photoshop and second-guessing every step of editing that I do, I now have the tools to help my images become the best they can be and the confidence I have when I edit is priceless. Thank you Damien for your amazing classes.
    - Michelle, Texas.

I honestly can't believe how much I have learned in the levels class. It was also so easy to follow. Thank you so much Damien.
    - Michelle, Rhode Island.

You promised that the levels class would rock my world and you were absolutely right!! It has changed everything. I Love it!!!
    - Kerry-Ann, New Zealand.

Damien's Editing Classes