The Print Sharpening Class

Effective sharpening is the difference between nice prints and amazing prints. If you are one of those people who say …

  • "I export for print from Lightroom, and my prints are great"
  • "I have a sharpening action, and my prints are great"
  • "I’ve never resized my files for printing, and my prints are great"

… alas, you are mistaken. You only think they’re great, because you’ve never seen how much better they can be. Once you’ve seen truly sharp prints, you’ll cringe at the blandness of your old prints.

Who is it for?

Unlike my other classes, which are for beginners and experienced users alike, this one is not for beginners. It is for:

  • Professionals: Photographers who sell prints to their clients.
  • Semi-professionals: Photographers who want to to lift their business above the swarming low-end digital file market, and into the profitable high-end print sales market.
  • Serious amateurs: Skilled hobby photographers who print their photos for competitions, exhibitions or personal display.

What software is it for?

  • All versions of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements

Topics covered

  • Understanding the principles of sharpening
  • Photographic issues related to sharpening
  • Sharpening in the workflow
  • Finding sharpness settings that work for you
  • Sharpening your best photos …
  • … and your not-so-good ones
  • Sharpening strategies for all media types – paper, canvas, press, etc
  • NEW: Sharpening procedure for selling digital files to clients


  • $75
  • You also need to allow up to ~$120 for test prints from your lab. This is vital to the success of your learning journey.
  • (If you have taken it in the past, and would like a refresher, the price is $20.)

What you get

  • 24/7 unlimited access for twelve months
  • Prompt answers to all questions
  • The best prints you've ever seen

Sign up

SIGN UP HERE or contact me for more information.


Love them! Makes me want reprint everything I have ever printed before now!
    - Kristen, Michigan.

Damien – I just got my prints yesterday after I ran your numbers on them, they sat in a corner all night because I was so nervous to open them, I opened them this morning and the tears poured down my face, they are absolutely stunning. i am so proud of them. Thank you so much.
    - Tanya, Ontario.

Damien, I just wanted to say how amazing you are! This metal print came out amazing thanks to your help! I couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you thank you Thank you!!!
    - Angie, Florida.

The Print Sharpening course is AMAZING!!!! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could produce such sharp photos in my life. NEVER. You might think you have a handle on sharpening. I am here to tell you that you do not know sharpening until you know Damien sharpening.
    - Carol, South Carolina.

Super happy client with her beautiful 20×30 canvas. It will be the first thing people see when they come into the house. She was amazed because her other photographers canvases are fuzzy, and lack any depth. THANKS SO MUCH! This class has helped me a ton!
    - Lizzy, Idaho.

I just got my test prints back and holy moly, I have seen the light! Thank you!!
    - Lisa.

If you even a little bit hesitant about taking the sharpening class, don’t be. I am useless at maths, and I managed to make this amazing print and have subsequently ordered very large canvases and prints (24x36inches) for clients with confidence. Worth every cent.
    - Channon, Western Australia.

This class changed my whole world when it comes to printing. Definitely worth the investment!
    - Autumn, Oklahoma.

Awesome class! Anybody who is serious enough to print their work, needs to do this class. My test prints looked amazing, I had to hang them on my wall. This class is definitely a confidence builder! Thank you.
    - Nicole, Victoria.

Holy Hannah! I just got in seven 16×20 canvases, all sharpened using what I learned in the sharpening class, and they are phenomenal! Thanks Damien!
    - Brenda, North Carolina.

Got my prints. They look AWESOME! Thank you very much, Damien!
    - Tatyana, Texas.

Another big print sale sharpened to stunning perfection thanks to the print sharpening class. If you are not sharpening for output yet you MUST take this class. It will change your life.
    - Kelly, South Carolina.

    - Jolene, Tasmania.

Thank you for sharing your sharpening wisdom! My prints have never looked so good, and it makes me feel great about offering my clients amazing products that they can not print themselves!
    - Farrah, California.

Hi Damien, just wanted to say quick thank you. Just received my prints today and they look aweeeeesomeee!
    - Ewa, New York.

Thanks D! Loved the class, feeling empowered to make great prints. Can’t believe the difference between my sharpened test prints and the unsharpened ones I had printed at the same time. Mind blown.
    - Michelle, Utah.

If you haven’t taken The Print Sharpening Class do it now, don’t wait! I got my first canvas back today and I’m blown away by how much sharper it is compared to not sharpened!
    - Sherri, Michigan.

Damien's Editing Classes