A Pinterest idea for skintones

I’ve been thinking …

I know a lot of my readers sometimes struggle with skintones, because you feel uncertain about what looks good and what doesn’t. Sometimes when someone shows you how it should look, it gives you some clarity of mind, and you can continue editing with more direction and confidence.

I also know a lot of you are on Pinterest. So, here’s what I’m thinking. I think you should create a board called "Skintones I love". And whenever you’re cruising around, checking out other photographers’ blogs, or whatever, and see a photo with skintones that take your breath away, pin it!

Then, when you’re doing your own editing, and feeling a bit uncertain about "is this too yellow?" or whatever, just browse your board. Immerse yourself in great skintones for a few moments, then re-visit your own photo with fresh perspective.


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