Articles & Tutorials: Editing methods

A wide range of lessons and examples of editing techniques.

Simple dodge and burn tutorial

The oldest post-processing technique in photography.

Safely adding noise to an image

Noise is important to prevent banding in smooth areas.

The role of masks when cloning

The Clone Tool and layer masks go hand-in-hand.

Multiplicity (merging photos)

Have fun putting somebody in a photo several times.

That rich look

Adding rich dark style to your photo.

Preparing headshots to exact size

Senior yearbooks often have strict requirements about photo size.

Shrinking an object in a photo

An important tutorial with a fun outcome.

Wonderful Channel Mixer

A demonstration of the power of Channel Mixer.

Learning to identify casts

In order to fix casts, you need to understand them.

Simulating Channel Mixer in Photoshop Elements

How to mimic Channel Mixer using PSE.

What makes a great black-and-white photo?

The key factors in making an amazing mono image.

Luminosity Selections

Make a mask based on the brightness of the tones in your image.

Blend modes for editing: Not a good idea

Blend modes aren't a tool for serious photo editing.

Choosing house paint colours

Use Photoshop to plan your home's new paint job.

Powerful Gradient Map techniques

Gradient Maps are capable of lots of fun effects.

Channel Mixer to fix a sun flare

A demonstration of a simple colour fix.

A fun rainbow effect

Add a rainbow overlay to your photo.

Screen and Soft Light blend modes

They're not an ideal way of editing.

Urban Processing: some ideas

Add a gritty look to your photos.

Photoshop vignette methods

Vignettes can add emphasis to a photo, if used carefully.

Simple Lens Blur tutorial

A simple introduction to this powerful feature.


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