Articles: Editing Workflow
The non-destructive workflow
The goal of the skilled photo editor.
What is "clean processing"?
It's the important editing that nobody ever notices.
Examining the complexities of an ACR workflow
Navigating the complicated workflow.
How aggressively can I crop?
How much can you trim off your photo and still be printable?
Multiple images in one PSD
For your clean edit plus artistic versions.
Trash those Jpegs!
Don't fill your computer with pointless clutter.
A Pinterest idea for skintones
A suggestion if you struggle with skin colour.
Batch processing in ACR
Save so much time by processing multiple raw files at once.
Batch editing in Photoshop – a flawed premise?
Is it possible to automate your Photoshop work?
Those family snaps
Jpeg or raw?
Replacing a raw edit in a PSD
For those times when you forgot the noise removal.
Order of layers for complex pixel edits
How to approach the most complicated edits.
Does white balance affect raw file quality?
I promise, it doesn't.
There’s no such thing as a SOOC raw photo!
It's just data.
Obtaining a "before" version of a raw edit in ACR
For creating a before-and-after.
"Extract then copy" vs "Copy then extract"
When making composites, don't do it in the wrong order.
Opening jpeg files in ACR (Photoshop)
Hopefully you won't have to do this very often.
Cloning in the workflow
It doesn't matter when you do it, only where you do it.
The role of global edits in post-processing
A 'wholistic' approach to imaging.
There is only one correct edit per raw file
Yes, it's true.
Opening jpeg files in ACR (Elements)
Hopefully you won't have to do this very often.
If it doesn’t rock, don’t show it!
Please think carefully about which photos you show your client.
Selective sharpening?
If you need to do it, you've messed up.
Great little disk cataloguer for PC
Easy way to track your archives.