Tutorials: Image Fixes
Various editing techniques and troubleshooting demonstrations.
The "Handyman Method"
A fantastic all-purpose colour correction method.
Distortion or perspective correction tutorial [Photoshop]
Straightening crooked lines in photos using PS.
Distortion or perspective correction tutorial [Elements]
Straightening crooked lines in photos using PSE.
Pesky pinks
Why do some colours appear noisy?
Strategies for managing out-of-gamut clothing
How to deal with vivid colours that can't be printed properly.
Softening hard shadows
How to make harsh lighting slightly less harsh.
Using a Photo Filter layer to fix casts
A wonderfully simple and versatile colour correction technique.
Layer blend modes save the day
Sometimes, you get lucky.
Blending two exposures
A great method for strongly backlit photos.
Case study: Bright red clothing
How to handle colours that are too vivid to print.
Minimising soft shadows
My favourite method for dodging mild shadow areas.
How to assess and fix those annoying stripes in clothing.
Ridding pesky rainbows
A simple way to remove coloured light flares.
Fixing chromatic aberration
How to fix purple and green edges in photos.